| 1. | It then mops up the renminbi by selling local currency bonds 然后,它通过卖出本币债券的方式回笼人民币。 |
| 2. | Dual currency bonds 双货币债券 |
| 3. | Secondly , the bank can structure its own debt issuance programme with this objective in mind , as exemplified by bank s current efforts to issue local currency bonds in china and thailand 第二,亚银在拟定其债券发行计划时,以发展亚洲债券市场为目标,就如亚银目前正在中国及泰国发行当地货币债券的做法一样。 |
| 4. | The abf2 , which will have an initial size of us 2 billion , will invest in domestic currency bonds issued by sovereign and quasi - sovereign issuers in all emeap economies except australia , japan and new zealand 推出时的规模约为亿美元,将会投资于各成员经济体系澳洲日本及新西兰除外的政府及半政府机构所发行的当地货币债券。 |
| 5. | While a fully integrated bond market in asia may still be some way off , a pan - asian investment product such as the paif will help the pooling of savings within and outside the region for investment in domestic currency bonds 虽然一个全面整合的亚洲债券市场仍有待形成,但像沛富基金这类覆盖亚洲区的投资产品,将会有助集合区内以至区外的储蓄资金,投资于当地货币的债券。 |
| 6. | For example , the paif is the first foreign institutional investor to have access to the interbank bond market in mainland china . and thailand and malaysia have provided withholding tax exemptions to foreign investors investing in local currency bonds 例如,沛富基金是首只以海外机构投资者的身分获准进入中国内地银行间债券市场的基金,而泰国及马来西亚亦已豁免向海外投资者徵收投资于本地货币债券的预扣税。 |
| 7. | All 11 members of the group , including hong kong , will invest in the abf2 . the abf2 , which will have an initial size of around us $ 2 billion , will invest in domestic currency bonds issued by sovereign and quasi - sovereign issuers in all emeap economies except australia , japan and new zealand 亚洲债券基金推出时的规模约为20亿美元,将会投资于emeap各成员经济体系(澳洲、日本及新西兰除外)的政府及半政府机构所发行的当地货币债券。 |
| 8. | Bondsinasia has developed btx , the most sophisticated global electronic trading platform for asian fixed income securities . btx supports multi - dealer functionality in both local currency bonds and g3 denominated asian credits . it allows market makers and institutions to complete asian fixed income deals electronically on a bilateral basis with speed and efficiency in a secure environment 邦盛亚洲的专用交易科技可支持多位交易商参与亚洲区本土货币债券及由亚洲发债体发行以货币为单位的债券的交易,让市场庄家与机构可以在安全的环境下,快捷有效地在双边基础上进行亚洲区定息债券的电子交易。 |